Senin, 14 April 2008

Reflection ( UTS )

Name : Septi Mardiana

NPM : 06211210665

Class : B

Subject : Foundation of literature


Author : William Blake

Title : The fly

Year : 1999

Publish : London


Little fly

Thy summers play,

My thoughtless hand

Has brushed away

Am not I

A fly like thee?

Or art not thou

A man like me?

For a dance

And drink and sing

Till some blind hand

Shall brush my wing.

If thought is life

And strength and breath;

And the want

Of thought is death;

Then am I

A happy fly,

If I live,

Or if I die.

Summary :

This poem narrate the life a fly, what playing at summer, and a fly taking a fancy to it because one dance, the beverage and hymn, so some people blind hand. And fly say; is wing tie fly have to be the, if the idea was lived and strength and breath, lacking of from idea of fly concerning death. And fly feel whether it one happy fly. If the natural life like this. If thought is life and strength and breath, and the want of thought is death. And it nor know about feeling which actually it experiencing the life because it still hesitate or ask whether happy it present or not with life he is experiencing.

Comment :

I think this poem is very good because the story lyric not and verbiage continue, besides the poem is also easy to be understood, comprehend and digested, groove the poem according to I also very good. The title is also hardly simple and easy to be understood, comprehended by me and possible also others, because title only one word that is fly. And the story nor digress from the title becoming this poem only narrate one topic that is fly. And this poem also in character shortened, clearly and compact, what facilitating I to comprehend this poem and understand content which written in this poem better although not yet too perfection but the purposes and objectives InsyaAllah I can understand.

Experience :

I have never experienced this as of case occurrence, and have never regretted life which has been given by God to me. What is given by God that is which I experiencing patiently and full of temptation and challenge. Although I have ever experienced is people taking a fancy to I but in life of me, I have never regretted if is people liking but I considering to be temptation and I also have to arrest; detain itself so that I frown upon it with in. and don't complicate the problem. And assume this problem as problem of big not because every man surely experienced and answer to him with different each mind. So fair that in human life.

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